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My Wierd Schedule?

I'm the one on the right on this picture. Ceejay is on the left. You see her hair looks brown but our hair color is acctually almost the same. Any way back to my wierd scedule. Every school day I wake up around 7:30 or so, take a shower, get dressed, eat a bannana get my backpack, put the books that fell out back in, swing it around my back and run to the elevator, then run out of my building, on the sidewalk, get to my bus stop and wait for like 30 muinites because I came early. When my bus fianally comes, I talk to my friend Vanessa (which I'm greatful that this boy Arden doesnt sit near us in the morning because then she would toatally forget about me) about random stuff, get off the bus, force her to come eat breakfast with me, run past the seagulls, and go by the stairway. Thats when I say happy birthday to everyone even though it's not their birthday. I go upstairs go to class blah blah blah for a while and then I go to lunch where I sit with my friends Britanny Jill and Robin (Robin is a boy!). We just talk for a while and eat then more learning blah blah blah and then I get on the bus and vice versa the coming back and get home. Yeah. Some of it is normal I guess.

On Non-school days I'm and my other parent's house and I just lay back and be happy that the world decided to create saturdays.


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